Mystic Night

Presented by Cendrine, psychic healer and holistic therapist
Discover more about the spiritual world, light beings and about yourself too!

When:Monthly, on Saturdays from 6.30pm to 8pm.
Next one will be on the 19th of March, 23rd of April and 21st of May
Where:Wellington City, Wellington (see below for the venue address)
Suggested donation: Koha

Discover more about yourself and the spiritual world in a relaxed and beautiful environment. 
Cendrine channels, brings spiritual wisdom from light beings and teaches how to step into our full potential in a fun and fascinating way.
She is very dedicated to to helping others on their journey and people have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion.
It is an open-minded event that aims at bringing like minded people together to raise vibrations and share on a deep level.
Everyone is welcome, a donation is more than welcome to cover the cost of the venue.

Centre for Higher Self, Marion street

Contact details:

Categories: Chanelling, Clairvoyance, Clairvision, Healing, Mysticism, Spirit Guides