Lunchtime Mindfulness Meditation Classes

Presented by Meredith McCarthy
This class is for anyone to come and learn more about meditation.  There are different styles of meditation and it is for all levels.

2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March 2017
12:05pm-12:55pm (just under one hour)
If you are interested in attending please contact me to secure your place.
Where:Wellington City, Wellington (see below for the venue address)
Investment: $80

Held four weeks in a row each class with its own focus, you will experience a guided meditation that is about 25 minutes long.  We start with an introduction to each topic.  There is plenty of opportunity to ask questions too.

-Talking about Mindful practice in daily life and then a 25min guided meditation using mindfulness.

-Covering the foundations of good meditation and then a 25min guided breath meditation.

-How mindfulness meditation practice can reduce anxiety followed by a 25min guided mindfulness meditation exercise.

-Talking about healing though sound meditation then followed with 25min sound mindfulness meditation using Tibetan singing bowls.

“I found the meditation classes very interesting, informative, very relaxing and I got a great deal of benefit from the introduction and meditation.  I look forward to the next set of meditation classes.“


12:05pm-12:55pm (just under one hour)

24 Johnston Street, level 4 Board room, Wellington

Meredith 027 699 3950

$25 includes GST per person each week pay as you go or $80 includes GST upfront to attend all four classes.

Numbers are limited so please contact me to make sure you secure your place.

I have been running meditation retreats for many years and I enjoy teaching people how to relax and settle the mind.  This is your opportunity to understand the art of mindful thinking.  I have over 20 years experience as a hypnotherapist and I enjoy teaching meditation and self hypnosis and hearing how people have benefitted.  Good meditation practice helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

All levels welcome.

24 Johnston Street
Level 4, Board Room

Contact details:
Meredith McCarthy, phone: 04 577 1116 or 027 699 3950

Categories: Meditation, Healing, Retreat, Mantra, Self Develoment